In 2007 a breakthrough in Climate science proved that 350 parts per million Concentration of Carbon Dioxide is the safe upper limit for CO2 in atmosphere. Today we are at 387ppm i.e., 37ppm higher than the safe limit. Climate scientists now warn that if due action is not taken soon, no matter rich or poor whole mankind will face severe threats from catastrophic climate change. Don’t be in illusion that it is not us but our next generation which is in danger. We the youth are about to see the worst scenarios in our own life span even before we cross our youthful age. Do you feel the historic responsibility on today’s youth??
Carbon Credit Club(CCC) aims at transforming developing countries to “Low Carbon” or “Carbon Neutral” Economies.
The following are the strategies to bring about the change:
- Promoting Clean Development Mechanism(working economic model according to Kyoto Protocol) among communities to earn carbon credits.
- Incorporating the development of youth leadership and change management capability.
- Enabling the youth to participate in political, educational and communication planning and decision-making processes for climate change (youth for youth);
- Fostering Local, National and International networking and exchange with other youth groups in the field of climate change.
- Enabling youth to plan innovative ideas and launch best practices project concepts in their own homes and colleges and in the neighborhoods.
- Generating valuable scientific data concerning the state of our environment through interaction and particularly involvement with scientists, amateur-experts, local interest groups and the public.
- Promoting youth-led approach and seeks to empower young people, build confidence and encourage active citizenship.
- Making youth develop their understanding of sustainable development and social justice issues and explore ways to make a difference.
“Micro Carbon Credit Club” is a special program of Carbon Credit Club. Its main objective is to promote Clean Development Mechanism among communities and Industries. Each “Micro Carbon Credit Club” or “Micro Club” is a team of 11 individuals recognized by JNTUK with an international ID. Dr. AllamAppaRao-Honourable VC, JNTUK is very concerned about climate change and the responsibility of a future engineer to tackle it. By the end of 2010, he aims at forming of 10000 Micro Carbon Credit Clubs at the university level and then expand to other universities in the next phase!